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“For you are all children of God through faith in Jesus Christ.” – Galatians 3:26

To serve God is to serve others!
Have you ever wondered, what it really means to seek the Kingdom of God and how you can directly apply that instruction in your life today? (Matthew 6:33)
Looking at what is happening all over the world, we can see that there is plenty of work to be done in the Kingdom. In Luke 10:2, we learn that though there is ALL this plenty of work to be done, there are many openings for multiple different positions in the Kingdom of God but there are not enough qualified candidates (workers) to do the job!
Do you feel you have a calling on your life to serve in Gods' Kingdom but you are not sure how to get started?
At Child of God Diaries, we help you gain clarity on the calling that God has made on your life. We help you identify your role in Gods' Kingdom and empower you with the tools that you need to leave your mark in this world, serve God and complete your assignment!
Are you currently serving in the Kingdom of God and have a sense that you need to do more to reach more people and make a greater impact but you just don't know how?
Our strategic partnerships enable us at Child of God Diaries to provide premier in-house training and business consulting services that meet the specific needs of Christian Business Owners, Ministry Leaders, Employees, Team leaders and/or Managers.
Click the button below to schedule your Complimentary Initial Consultation and let us help equip you with the tools that you need to successfully achieve the Destiny Appointed Goals God has set for you!
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